Hack Osaka Archive

Hack Osaka 2022

-Future Society (Abundant, Secure and Sustainable Society)-
Date: Thu, Feb 10th, 2022

01_Opening Act
02_Theme Session1 "A more connected future, Embarking from Osaka towards the next generation"
03_Special Talk "What startups need for the best challenges"
04_Theme Session2 "Setting our sights on Osaka, Kansai, the hybrid Mecca of Academy and Industry"
05_Break Session 1(Pitch by Grand Prize Winner of KANSAI STUDENT PITCH Grand Prix 2021)
06_Reverse Pitch
07_Break Session 2(Introduction of Global Acceleration Program "KGAP")
08_Global Pitch Contest 1st Half
09_Break Session 3 "Let us Welcome the food tech startup from Singapore that has landed in Osaka after they presented in Hack Award 2021"
10_Global Pitch Contest 2nd Half
11_Hack Award 2022 Ceremony ~ Closing

Hack Osaka 2021

-In the era of New Normal, how can Osaka's/Kansai's strengths contribute to the world?-
Date: Thu, Feb 18th, 2021

[Hack Osaka 2021]01_Opening Remarks(ENG)
[Hack Osaka 2021]02_Message from ACE(ENG)
Hack Osaka 2021 Keynote[ENG]
[Hack Osaka 2021]04_Panel Discussion(ENG)
[Hack Osaka 2021]05_Pitch Contest 1st Half(ENG)
[Hack Osaka 2021]06_Pitch Contest 2nd Half(ENG)
[Hack Osaka 2021]07_Local Update(ENG)
[Hack Osaka 2021]08_Award Ceremony(ENG)

Hack Osaka 2020

-How to make a successful open innovation-
Date: Feb 27(Thu.),2020

Due to ongoing concerns with the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Hack Osaka 2020 was cancelled.

Hack Osaka 2019

-Paradigm Shift toward Hack Osaka Movement-
Date: Mar 13 (Wed.), 2019

Hack Osaka 2018

Theme: Power to Connect and Get Connected Produces Serendipity
-Give Before You Get -
Date: February 27 (Tue.), 2018

Hack Osaka 2017

Theme: The Power of Design for Innovative Culture―
Date: Feb. 9 (Thu.), 2017

Hack Osaka 2016

Theme: Go Forward Strongly to Innovation
Date: Feb. 17 (Wed.), 2016

Hack Osaka 2015

Theme: How to be unique and to develop Original Innovation Ecosystem and startups
Date: Feb. 10 (Tue.), 2015

Hack Osaka 2014

Theme: Future that IoT can bring
Date: Feb. 19 (Wed.), 2014

Hack Osaka 2013

Theme: Innovations in the world
Date: Feb.14 (Thu.), 2013

※Please be advised that photos and videos will be taken for publication purposes, and interviews may be undertaken. We humbly request that entries to the event be made only upon confirmation and agreement to your possible appearance on any of the aforementioned materials. Personal information provided to the event is solely used within the scope of the purposes stipulated in advance, and is not provided to third parties. Please note that the Hack Osaka 2020 Executive Committee (City of Osaka & Urban Innovation Institute), which plans and implements this project and the Osaka Business Development Agency, which manages publications for this project, will have access to personal information processed for this event.

※Click here for the Osaka Business Development Agency personal information protection policy.

※Click here for the Urban Innovation Institute personal information protection policy.