NewsStartup Grind OSAKA kicks off


Startup Grind OSAKA kicks off

Startup Grind, originating in Silicon Valley, is one of the world’s largest entrepreneur communities, linking two million entrepreneurs in 600 cities in 125 countries worldwide. In Japan, following the initiation of Startup Grind TOKYO, it has commenced activities in Osaka with Rainmaking Innovation Japan as its organisers.

Startup Grind OSAKA focuses on the following two themes and holds regular events.

  • 1.For foreign startups to learn the best practices in order to penetrate the Japanese market.
  • 2.For Japanese startups to learn how to enter the global market and to collect information.

Located in the centre of Japan with easy access to other cities, and being one of the world’s largest urban areas, the Kansai area has the same level of GDP as The Netherlands whose population is over 20 million.

The forthcoming 2025 Exposition in Osaka makes the area the ideal place for startups right now. While competition is less fierce, Osaka presents a favourable environment where startups can demonstrate their own technologies, can gain attention at home and abroad, and can find a strong partner capable of supporting domestic market penetration.

It is also worth noting that the external environment surrounding startups has improved in recent years due to the high level of global M&A activity by Japanese companies together with increased national support coupled with the increasing number of accelerator programmes for startups.

So, on the other hand, what do foreign startups need to know when they enter the Japanese market? On August 3rd, Startup Grind Osaka held its inaugural kick-off event, which began with a question from the moderator, “How to demistify Japan?”, followed by GranBright Consulting’s owner, Mr. Noguchi, who shared his clues to the event.

Mr. Noguchi shared with us some valuable information for overseas startups looking to enter the Japanese market, such as the differences in corporate culture between Japan and the U.S., which he has experienced since moving from the typical Japanese giant NEC to Cisco Systems, as well as Japan’s unique business practices of emphasizing relationships with customers. Future events at Startup Grind Osaka and the development of the community look promising.

Startup Grind OSAKA

Startup Grind OSAKAが始動

 Startup Grindは、シリコンバレー発の全世界125カ国、600都市、200万人の起業家を繋ぐ、世界最大級の起業家コミュニティです。日本国内では、Startup GRIND TOKYOにつぎ、このたび、Rainmaking Innovation Japanがオーガナイザーとなり大阪でも活動が開始されました。

 Startup Grind Osakaでは「海外のスタートアップが日本への市場参入のためのベストプラクティスを学ぶこと」「日本のスタートアップがグローバル市場への参入と情報収集」に焦点を当てて定期的にイベントが開催されます。



 では一方で、外国のスタートアップが日本市場に参入する際に、知っておくべきこととは何なのでしょう? 8月3日、Startup Grind Osakaの記念すべきキックオフイベントが開催され、「日本の謎を解く」という司会者の問いかけに始まり、グランブライトコンサルティング代表の野口氏がその秘訣について語りました。

 野口氏は日本の典型的大企業であるNECからCisco Systemsへ転職して実際に経験した日米企業文化の違いや、日本特有の顧客との「関係性」を重視するビジネス習慣についてなど、これから日本市場参入を考えている海外スタートアップにとって有益な情報を共有してくれました。今後のStartup Grind Osakaでの開催イベント、コミュニティの発展に期待できそうです。

Startup Grind OSAKA